Adventures in the Kitchen, Passion for Food, and Searching for Magic!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Choux Patsry 1: Profiterole!

When you're down, you resort to the kitchen to get all it out.
This night witnessed some playing with the choux pastry, I'll post them in two parts.
I was bored, and I wanted to have some quick fun in the kitchen with basic ingredients. And this delicious crime was all worth it.

The first adventure is the classic Profiterole..with some twists.


- Pre-made Choux Pastry balls.
-Whipped cream
-Chocolae sauce.
-Chocolate mousse. 

The Steps:

1-Cut the choux pastry balls open. Pipe whipped cream into them. I also stuffed some of them with  chocolate mousse!! And some were with whipped cream and thin strawberry slices hidden in there ;). 
2-Get a large bowl. Add some chocolate sauce to its bottom, and pipe some to the inside walls. Add a tbsp. of whipped cream, and wipe it with the chocolate sauce to have a thin coat. I added some strawberries as below for the base.

3- Add your whipped cream-stuffed choux balls, and cover the balls with chocolate sauce.

4-Add more stuffed choux balls on top of the previous layer. Fill in the gaps with some chocolate mousse.
5- Cover the balls with chocolate, and garnish the bowl with more strawberry slices.
6-Finish the topping with some whipped cream decorations and strawberries.

I also made small bowls of profiterole to just eat while watching a good movie. Bon Appetit!

Side Notes:

-Instead of chocolate sauce, you can melt some chocolate.
-If chocolate mousse is unavailable, you can add some cocoa to the whipped cream to have chocolate cream.
-Try sprinkling crushed unsalted pistachios on top.
-All fresh choux pastry balls, chocolate mousse powder, and whipped cream are available at (Darb El Barabra) branches and are time-saving.

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